April 3, 2009

The poison pill

There should be a pill you can take to make love go away.


sarah said...

there should be men that aren't total freaks?

Anonymous said...


Alex said...

Remember, time wounds all heals.

Anonymous said...

Some things you cannot change; some people cannot love.

You will never be that person; you will always believe in love; you will always be willing to change, if it is right.

This is the one quality you should never change.

I miss you. Come back to us.

Be happy.

Anonymous said...

Where are yoooou?

Jaro said...

I think that I would prefer a 5 course Indian-style meal, with a mango lassi and garlic naan. Cuz then, hey, yeah, love's gone, but then after, you're full and warm and what was that thing you were thinking about before? Love? Oh, no, right, it was gulab jamun.

Whereas a pill would probably leave an empty spot, like you'd think about something and then be like, what was I thinking about? With a full, awesome meal, you'd just get food coma.

Which, really, far as side effects go, not so bad.