August 18, 2009

the 10-day challenge: day 2

BGICT RECAP: yesterday's search to find a giant gay truck was fun. i highly suggest running around union square asking people if they've seen "the gay truck." it's very entertaining. a little warning: the truck moves. this sounds obvious, but what i mean is that it changes location to 47/6 at night. i discovered this after emailing, so if you are a'searchin late at night, you might find her big truck butt there. moving forward (no pun intended)...

The National:
  • Having been open for only 3 weeks, the National has not yet been plundered of its coolness by LES scenesters.* After a botched attempt to get dinner there last night (they're closed on Mondays), I am now determined to eat here. Join me, won't you?
  • Why it must be tried: Butter-based scallops on sweet corn puree, jerk pork ribs, and apparently some of the best drinks east of 3rd Avenue.
*Those that believe that what they believe to be cool now has already achieved a state of coolness.

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