August 19, 2009

the 10-day challenge: day 3

The National RECAP: I don't usually say this, but WOW. The National was amazing. Freeman's - you are in TROUBLE with a capital T, and I capitalize the rest of the letters just to make a point. Two compadres joined me last night and our order consisted of the following: chorizo and cheese balls with a spicy mayo; jamaican pineapple jerk ribs with greens and potato salad; butter-based scallops on sweet corn puree; and a berry crumble with homemade lemon greek yogurt. Anyway, I brought a camera to take pictures but I ate all the food. Yes, I could've taken one when it came out but... I just ate it all immediately instead. For the future, if you eat pork, order the jerk ribs. If you don't eat pork, order the ribs. The meat FELL off the bone it was so tender. On to tonight...


Dirt Candy:
  • Feeling the guilt of yesterday's carnivorous banquet, I have chosen a veggie place for tonight. Chef Amanda Cohen runs the joint, boasting both meat-eating and vegetarian clientele. Apparently, if you've been to Red Bamboo, Angelica Kitchen, or Blossom, you haven't had good vegetarian food, and I love Red Bamboo. So, yeah.
  • Why it must be tried: Their jalepeno hush puppies are all the rage; the spinach soup with tofu dumplings and lemon confit sounds ridiculously yummy; and I like the way a chocolate sweet pea ice cream bar sounds.
Dirt Candy is small and hip, AKA I'll need to make a reservation. Please let me know (phone call please) if you'd like to join tonight and I'll include you.


Fuad said...

This sounds really fun. You'll have to tell me how it goes. How many people come?

butta said...

So far, I've had 2-3 guests each night. Good times.