August 20, 2009

the 10-day challenge: day 4

Dirt Candy RECAP: Gujarati food is vegetarian. It's diverse and wholesome and flavorful and delicious - I grew up eating it and I LOVE it. Unfortunately, this is why I think I am always disappointed by vegetarian food in almost every other cuisine. Yesterday's meal at Dirt Candy has made me think that perhaps Indians are good at eating ethically because our food is actually really really tasty. I don't think American cooks have a grasp on what it means to create flavor unless they can massacre some animal and eat it. This is not a rant for or against vegetarianism, only a testament to the Indian culinary artists who have time and time again won my heart. Dirt Candy, I think, could learn a thing or two from the East. Your jalepeno hush puppies were great, but you know why?: they tasted like bateta vada (Indian fried donut filled with seasoned potatoes, onions, and chili). Go figure.


Dumpling Man:
  • I've walked by Lucas Lin's Dumpling Man on St. Mark's at least 100 times and never gone in. I've been to Dumpling House and New Green Bo, but never inside this place, recognizable by that Super Mario Brother-esque Dumpling Logo on the canopy outside. Plus, the Dumpling Man's blog has the same format as mine. If that's not good judgment, I don't know what is.
  • Why it must be tried: What the french toast is Hot Monster Sauce?! And apparently, they have good steamed veggie dumplings with seasoned tofu and shiitake mushrooms. Plus, it's cheap - about a $14 meal.
No reservations needed, but it is kinda tiny, so I anticipate going around 7pm. Again, please call if you plan on joining. MEN - you definitely want to come so you can buy your Dumpling Man Thong.

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